Author Visits

Grades K-2; 3-5
Science; ELA; STEAM; Ecology; Media Arts; Creative Writing; Social Emotional Learning
School Visit Fees
Virtual Presentation 30 minutes: $250 / 60 minutes: $350
Multiple Presentations, same day, same school: inquire about discount
In-Person Presentations: $800-$1,300
BOCES funding applies to participating schools in Upstate NY. See Ellen's page at for booking in this area. Contact Ellen to schedule visits in other locations.

Ecosystem Connections

Ecosystem Connections
with All in a Rainforest Day Book
Program Summary

Program Structure

Program Resources
Pre-visit resources include one copy of the book and PDFs with photos to introduce Ellen and her work to students. There is one set each for primary and intermediate grades.

Downloadable follow up materials include the ecosystems graphic organizer used in the presentation and discussion questions. Six hands-on ecosystem-themed hands-on activities (one for each grade from K-5) are also available. Documentation is provided on NGSS and ELA standards addressed.

Writing Steps and How a Book is Created

Writing Steps and How a Book is Created
with All Kinds of Friends, Even Green Book
Program Summary

Program Structure
The storyline of All Kinds of Friends about a student working through a writing assignment parallels the process of book creation. The eight steps of the suggested process to encourage students in their own writing are shown in a graphic that gets added to one-by-one as the presentation progresses. The eight steps include idea generation, getting organized for writing, the importance of editing, and final copy for publication. Photos and video clips “show and tell” both processes, including a visual history of All Kinds of Friends of two of Ellen’s other books from scratch paper to finished book. Sub-themes are drawn from the book and include creativity, special needs awareness and pets as friends and inspiration.

Program Resources

A Primary Source Diary of a Rainforest Journey

A Primary Source Diary
of a Journey to an Amazonian Rainforest
Program Summary

Program Structure

Program Resources

Ecosystem Connections
with All in a Rainforest Day Book
Program Summary

Program Structure

Program Resources
Pre-visit resources include one copy of the book and PDFs with photos to introduce Ellen and her work to students. There is one set each for primary and intermediate grades.

Downloadable follow up materials include the ecosystems graphic organizer used in the presentation and discussion questions. Six hands-on ecosystem-themed hands-on activities (one for each grade from K-5) are also available. Documentation is provided on NGSS and ELA standards addressed.
Writing Steps and How a Book is Created
with All Kinds of Friends, Even Green Book
Program Summary

Program Structure
The storyline of All Kinds of Friends about a student working through a writing assignment parallels the process of book creation. The eight steps of the suggested process to encourage students in their own writing are shown in a graphic that gets added to one-by-one as the presentation progresses. The eight steps include idea generation, getting organized for writing, the importance of editing, and final copy for publication. Photos and video clips “show and tell” both processes, including a visual history of All Kinds of Friends of two of Ellen’s other books from scratch paper to finished book. Sub-themes are drawn from the book and include creativity, special needs awareness and pets as friends and inspiration.

Program Resources

A Primary Source Diary
of a Journey to an Amazonian Rainforest
Program Summary

Program Structure

Program Resources

That you so much for visiting Sacandaga Elementary School and awakening the authors in my class! Even as we were walking back to our classroom from your presentation, my students were brainstorming the supplies they wanted me to gather so that they could author their own books. In the weeks since your visit, writing, illustrating, and sharing has become a daily event in our room. Thank you for empowering my little authors!

Learn more at Components of the curriculum are available at the Ellen and the EdTechLens store on Teachers Pay Teachers.