Burma, Especially Its Children – Post 9: It’s Not About Politics, It’s About Hope

One surprise of the Burma trip was the number of people who would ask where we were from and, once they heard we were from the US, would give us a thumbs up or peace sign and enthusiastically say, “Obama!”



It happened several times a day, and even the children did this.



Of course Obama’s recent visit to Burma in November 2012 – the first ever by a sitting US president – helped create this enthusiasm, but we had the same experience in our seven days in Cambodia so I believe this enthusiasm was about more than just his Burmese visit.



I’m not straying into politics here; I mention this because the impression I got was that an American president who is not white and was not born into a privileged family is symbolically important here in Burma as well as, possibly, many other countries with non-white populations.


Mandalay, Burma, Myanmar. Mandalay Streets