A Taste of Italy – Post 7: Blevio and Its Villas Stacked on Steep Hillsides Overlooking Lake Como

This is where families have lived for centuries; it is quiet and not crawling with tourists!

Blevio is on Lake Como, one of Italy’s beautiful lakes, and is near the city of Como.

Houses, villas, and apartments were stacked up and down the hillsides.

We walked on old stone steps and walkways

with stone walls rising on all sides,

often with plants sprouting out of them.

This was the wall at the base of our apartment in Blevio – a serious wall!

and the steps up to the entrance. Finding it proved to be quite a challenge.

There were steep stairways around every corner

climbing steeply further up the hillside. And not code-compliant, as John had many occasions to point out.

More old doorways,

gorgeous locked gardens,

and this ancient water source.

It seemed that every dwelling had its own terrace – maybe large, maybe small; often with flowers.

This is the place to sit and sip cappuccino. Or good Italian wine. With superb cheese and bread. As we did from our own little terrace

until dusk fell on Lake Como.