Kindergarten Kids


Kindergarten Kids is a 32-page color, photo-illustrated, mass market paperback book about what it’s like in kindergarten. Its main characters are the multi-cultural and very different personalities of the 21 kids in Room 8 at Lincoln School in Schenectady, NY.

Their quotes and pictures take the reader from arrival to dismissal, from mess-making to clean up, from hard work to excitement on the playground. Readers hear about how this is fun but it’s also work and sometimes, “you just have a bad day”. Kindergarten Kids reinforces what school is about for those who have been there and tells all about what it will be like for those on the way there. A winner with the pre-school set: over 600,000 sold.

Paperback $4.50; not including tax and shipping

Available from the author; signed copy, if requested
Inquire at Ellen's Contact page on this website

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