Hurray for Pre-K!


Hurray for Pre-K! shows children aged two to six what goes on in a pre-K classroom. The book is organized around action words – one per spread – that begin with “come” (as children come in the door) to “go”, as they leave at the end of the day. Everything that happens in between (play, rest, listen, eat, sing, paint, read, etc.) is told in simple sentences and shown in the very real photographs of a class with personality and their warm, sensitive teacher.

The brief sentences make it appropriate to read to the very young. Additionally, the way the action words on each page are highlighted and repeated make it a perfect book to encourage early word recognition for young pre-readers and readers.

Horn Book says of Hurray For Pre-K!, “This is both a celebration of preschool and a chance for young readers to learn some sight words”, while Book List said, “New preschoolers will feel both comforted and enticed by these school scenes.”

McGraw-Hill Reading Language Arts Program published English and Spanish paperbacks and Big Books of Hurray for Pre-K! for use in its reading program.

Hardcover $9; not including tax and shipping

Available from the author; signed copy, if requested

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