Burma, Especially Its Children – Post 4: And, of course, what I really wanted to find out: what is life like for children in Burma?

How Children Live – Part 1

What life is like for a Burmese child depends on the income of his or her family. (When I use “child” or “children”, I mean young people from infancy through young adulthood.) A child from an upper middle class or wealthy family lives a life that most American children could relate to – except for the period of time they might spend living in a monastery, that is.

They play.

Mandalay, Burma, Myanmar. Mahamuni Temple

They spend time with their moms and dads.

Mandalay, Burma, Myanmar. U Min Thone Ze.

They are excited at the end of the school day!


They shop.


They socialize.


By the way, friends (girls and girls; boys and boys) often walk arm-in-arm or holding hands.

Mandalay, Burma, Myanmar. U Bien Bridge

The teenagers and young adults use cellphones.

Mandalay, Burma, Myanmar. Mahamuni Temple


They dress stylishly.



Mandalay, Burma, Myanmar. U Bien Bridge

They often speak English well, and are curious to know more about other people. Many initiated conversations with us and told us they would like to visit America someday, such as this group of young men that approached us and asked if they could be in a photo with John, my companion and assistant on the trip.
